Apple Store

Presented on the topic of school-wide iPad implementation & useful apps at Apple's SoHo presentation theater, 4/6/11.

This event was a New York City Department of Education invitation only event with over 300 NYCDOE teachers & administrators in the audience

Original companion site built specifically for event

This page is the online companion to Chris Casal's presentation during the Department of Education Apple iPad Event at the SoHo Apple Store on 4/6/11.

Here you will find links to the presentation and links to the apps discussed.

Apps discussed:

Remoter - $0.99

Dropbox - $-free

PlainText - $-free for basic version (ad supported) $4.99 for full version

GoodReader $4.99

Drobbox companion:


Additional useful apps:

Google Earth




Confer Lite



Word Warp

HIstory Tools


Other educators using iPads:

iPads in Education - online community of educators discussing iPads in education

iPads 4 Education - online community of educators discussing iPads in education