Apple Store
Presented on the topic of school-wide iPad implementation & useful apps at Apple's SoHo presentation theater, 4/6/11.
This event was a New York City Department of Education invitation only event with over 300 NYCDOE teachers & administrators in the audience
This page is the online companion to Chris Casal's presentation during the Department of Education Apple iPad Event at the SoHo Apple Store on 4/6/11.
Here you will find links to the presentation and links to the apps discussed.
Apps discussed:
Remoter - $0.99
Dropbox - $-free
PlainText - $-free for basic version (ad supported) $4.99 for full version
GoodReader $4.99
Drobbox companion:
Additional useful apps:
Other educators using iPads:
iPads in Education - online community of educators discussing iPads in education
iPads 4 Education - online community of educators discussing iPads in education