Professional development sessions and speaking engagements specifically for New York City Department of Education schools
PS 10, Brooklyn - 2009-2014
iPads & iOS apps, Google Apps for Education (GAFE), website building, social media use
PS 118, Brooklyn - ongoing
multiple sessions with teachers and paras on iPads and iPad apps for enrichment, assessments, documenting, communicating and collaboration
future sessions on Google Apps for Education (GAFE)
PS 163, Manhattan - single session
Working with PTA, Principal, and technology committee to create technology vision for the school. This includes developing a purchasing plan for technology grant money, training technology team on basics of Google Apps as well as developing professional development sessions on topics such as class webpages and social media use
PS 3, Brooklyn - single session
basic iPad use and apps to facilitate communication, collaboration, enrichment, and data collection
MS 54, Manhattan - two sessions
basic & intermediate iPad apps to facilitate communication, collaboration, enrichment, and data collection
High School for Law and Public Service, Manhattan - single session
basic iPad use and apps to facilitate communication, collaboration, enrichment, and data collection
assisted in developing a blog for staff to continue collaborating online -