This page is a directory of the blogs of 4-409. Students were given @ps10.org accounts with which to create & manage independent blogs using Blogger (within the ps10.org domain).
Leading up to these blogs we:
- Learned how to access @ps10.org accounts
- Learned how to create, edit & Documents & Presentations in Drive
- Used those Drive documents to illustrate the permanence of the internet through the Revision History
- Discussed proper & appropriate writing & actions on the internet
When we were ready to move to the concept of personal online spaces students posted comments on the Mr. Casal's Computer Lab blog to get their thought process moving. When we launched into the Blogger platform students had a good understanding of how they wanted to publish their writing on the internet. They understood the public & permanent nature of digital writing. They had come to come conclusions about the theme & content of their blog, and they had ideas about how they wanted it to look. When we launched Blogger students chose URLs, blog titles, and basic themes. Since that first day students have been editing & revising their initial ideas. Some students have altered their topics & themes, some students have taken to going more in-depth than they initially expected to. Some students blog only when in class, others blog multiple times a week, and use class time for design experimentation.
Check out the independent student bogs below. Feel free to leave comments for the studnets...